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Do retinal neurons also represent somatosensory inputs? On why neuronal responses are not sufficient to determine what neurons do.

Elber-Dorozko, L. and Loewenstein, Y. (2023). Cognitive Science. e13265.

Exploration: from machines to humans.

Fox*, L., Dan*, O., Elber-Dorozko*, L. and Loewenstein, Y. (2020). Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. 35: 104-111. (*equal contribution)

Integrating computation into the mechanistic hierarchy in the cognitive and neural sciences.

Elber-Dorozko, L. and Shagrir, O. (2019). Synthese SI: Explanations in Cognitive Science: Unification vs Pluralism.

Manipulation is key - On why non-mechanistic explanations in the cognitive sciences also describe relations of manipulation and control.

Elber-Dorozko, L. (2018). Synthese SI: Neuroscience and its philosophy, 195: 5319.

Computation and levels in cognitive and neural science.

Elber-Dorozko, L. and Shagrir, O. (2018). In Colombo, M. and Sprevak, M. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of the Computational Mind. Routledge.​

Striatal action-value neurons reconsidered.

Elber-Dorozko, L. and Loewenstein, Y. (2018). eLife, 7: e34248.

The external validity of the Concealed Information Test: The effect of choosing to commit a mock-crime.

Nahari, T., Breska, A., Elber, L., Selle, N.K. and Ben-Shakhar, G. (2016). Applied Cognitive Psychology, 31: 81-90.

Retroactive memory interference: A potential countermeasure technique against psychophysiological knowledge detection methods.

Gronau, N., Elber, L., Satran, S., Breska, A. and Ben-Shakhar, G. (2015).Biological Psychology, 106: 68-78.

Memory detection with the Concealed Information Test: A meta analysis of skin conductance, respiration, heart rate, and P300 data.

Meijer, E. H., Selle, N. K., Elber, L. and Ben-Shakhar, G. (2014).  Psychophysiology, 51: 879–904.

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